Punjab Shops & Establishments Act

Punjab Shops And Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 [Also applicable in Chandigarh & Haryana]

Purpose & Object

Shops and Establishment Acts have been enacted by the states to regulate conditions of work and to provide for statutory obligations of the employers and rights of the employees in un-organized sector of employment such as shops, commercial establishments, residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses, theatres and other establishments in their jurisdiction.


It is applicable to all persons employed in an establishment with or without wages, except the members of the employers' family.

- Provides for compulsory registration of shops / establishments
- Provides for communication of closure of shops / establishments
- Lays down the hours of work - per day & week; guidelines for rest interval, opening and closing hours, closed days, national and religious holidays, overtime work
- Lays down Rules for employment of children, young persons and women; annual leaves, maternity leaves, sickness and casual leaves; - employment and termination of service etc.
- Provides for maintenance of statutory registers & records and display of notices
- Provides for obligations of employers as well as employees.

Services We Offer

We are Labour Law Consultants, we provide following services in compliance to the provisions of state specific Shops & Establishments Acts:

- Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to the Act;
- Registration of Shops and Establishments under the Act;
- Obtaining Duplicate Registration Certificate in case of loss or mutilation of original Registration Certificate;
- Intimating changes in details of Shops and Establishments / Occupier to the concerned authorities under the Act;
- Assistance to establishments in complying various provisions of the Act related to Working Hours, Rest Hours, Employment of Women,
    Weekly Holiday, Payment of Wages, Deduction from Wages, Leave, Employment Letter, Opening and Closing Hours of Shops &
    Establishments etc.;
- Assistance to establishments in complying various provisions of the Act related to Display, Notices, Disclosures,
- Preparation and Maintenance of various Records as prescribed under the Act;
- Preparation and Maintenance of various Registers like Register of Fines, Register of Deductions, Register of Employment, Register of
    Wages, records as prescribed under the Act;
- Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued by Inspector;
- Representing Shops / Establishments before Inspector;
- Representing establishments at the enquiries conducted by Inspector.

Bedi Consultancy